
ICE-SEAM is a biennial conference launched in the year of 2009. Formerly, the ICE-SEAM is a Seminar on Mechanical Engineering Research Cluster and then raised to international levels with a focus on the advancement of sustainable energy technologies which supported by advanced materials technology. We had this conference successfully held in Melaka, Malaysia, 2013, Surakarta, Indonesia in 2011 and 2009. It will be the fourth year of ICE-SEAM in 2015. The theme of the ICE-SEAM 2015 conference is “Energy Efficient and Advanced Material for Sustainable Development. It will provide a valuable opportunity for researchers, scholars and some scientists to exchange their ideas face to face together. This conference is hosted by Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Indonesia and jointly organized by Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Malaysia, Brawijaya University, Indonesia and Diponegoro University, Indonesia.
The aims of this joint conference are to:
·         Increase internationalization activities and enhance collaborative relationships between universities.
·         Disseminate information, technology, engineering, performance and the latest scientific discoveries in the field of engineering at the international level.
·         Provide information and exposure to the industry and other institutions on the progress and opportunities for collaboration in research and consultancy hence strengthen networking between academicians, scientists, engineers and technologists at regional and international levels.